Homeowner Loans

Loans of £5000 or more for people who own their own home outright or with a mortgage that is less than 80% of the home’s market value. Such homeowners also need to have a good credit history.

Interest on Homeowner loans will normally be charged at 0.7% per month (APR 8.7%). However, interest rates may vary dependent on individual homeowners’ circumstances and, if you have a better offer, ask us if we can better it!

If you are not already a member of St Albans Community Bank, you will be required to join before the loan is issued. Join Today

The Community Bank understands the pressures on disposable income in the current economic environment and undertakes stringent affordability checks before granting a loan Details here

We do not charge fees for arranging loans and loans can be repaid early at any time without penalty.

If you wish to apply, you will need the following information to hand:
Date of Birth
Number of years/months at that address
National Insurance Number
Personal email address
Telephone Number

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"We wanted a new kitchen and, because we were homeowners, we were able to borrow the money from the community bank with really affordable repayments"

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